Every year 19 Ukrainians celebrate the National Emblem of Ukraine Day in February. Our state has 3 official symbols are the State Coat of Arms, National flag and national anthem. They are the personification of the Ukrainian people, its culture and customs. The coat of arms of any state is its most distinctive emblem. His image has an official status and is used in seals, […]
16 February - Unity Day
Вже третій рік поспіль 16 лютого Україна відзначає День єднання. Головна мета цього свята – довести, що українці сильні у єднанні на тлі російської агресії, пишаються своєю нацією та бажають жити в незалежній країні. History of the holiday. Взимку 2022 року лунало багато застережень щодо дати початку російського вторгнення. Тоді росія вже […]
Dear friends and fans of the library!
Scientific Library of NUS named after. Admiral Makarov expresses his sincere gratitude for participating in the campaign on the occasion of the International Book Donation Day - E.B. Khachaturov, to the head of the NSC "Technopark NUK", Doctor of Law. Science; O.Yu. Dubinsky, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, economic, legal and social issues, Doctor of Law. Science, to the professor; І.О.. Zhuvaginius, декану Інженерно-економічного факультету Первомайського […]
14 February – International Book Donation Day! Let's join the action!
Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova appeals to the university community and all friends of the library with an offer to join the international campaign and donate a Ukrainian book to their library. Your donated editions will find a grateful reader and will be a significant contribution to the replenishment of the book collection fund. We are waiting for everyone at the addresses: etc. Central, 3(aud 109) […]
Friends! An interesting message for you.
Almost everyone knows, what 14 February - Valentine's Day, but on this day another international holiday is celebrated, which unites all book lovers - the International Day of Book Giving (International Book Giving Day). You can learn about the history and traditions of the holiday from the informative message "Books from good hands". Enjoy!