Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova is an information intermediary in the development of the principles of academic integrity

One of the priority areas of activity of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarov is to popularize the principles of academic integrity among students of higher education of various levels. So, recently for students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering, specialties 125 Cybersecurity ( city. 2381, 1387) and 151 “Automation and computer-integrated technologies” ( city. 2341) було проведено тематичну лекцію […]

21 You can find more detailed information in the electronic catalog of the library at.

This day reminds of everyone's right to speak their native language in their country. The holiday is relatively young - in Ukraine it has only begun to write its history since 2002 year. You can find out more about the history of the holiday from the information notice on this topic. We congratulate you on the International Mother Language Day and invite you to familiarize yourself with the exhibition […]

Scientific library - for the 85th anniversary of the department of technical thermal physics and ship steam generating units

Literature exhibition "Technical thermodynamics and heat transfer: to help students of the engineering and technical direction" and a review on the topic "Scientific works of teachers of the department of technical thermal physics and ship steam generators" user service department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the National University of. adm. Makarova started a cycle of events for the 85th anniversary of the Department of Technical Thermal Physics and Ship Steam-Generating Plants […]

20 February - Memorial Day of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

This day is designed to perpetuate human life, civic and national courage and dedication, fortitude and resilience of citizens, honor the feat of those who died for the ideals of democracy, human rights and freedoms. IN 2024 year, commemoration of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred takes place under the slogan "We remain worthy of our heroes". Scientific library on the occasion of Heroes' Remembrance Day […]

To the attention of the scientific community of the NUK named after Adm. Makarov and all interested!

We inform, that February 20 and 21, 2024 will take place: 20 February 2024 p. at 11:00 a.m. open scientific and practical seminar of UkrINTEI on professional development "Innovative development of Ukraine through the prism of the activities of the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation (UKRAINIANS)». More details 21 February 2024 p. at 11:00 a.m. webinar "Features of participation in the Horizon Europe Program": Direction I "Advanced science" (Actions of Maria Sklodowska-Curie), Direction […]