Official celebrations

100 years of service to education and science

30 September Scientific Library of the National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Makarova in a warm circle of friends and fans celebrated her first centenary birthday and All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries. A significant event of the official celebrations was the presentation of a book about the centuries-old activities of the university book collection "University Library: from traditional to digital ". The material for the book was prepared by leading specialists of the university library headed by the director Kostyrko TM. The solemn part of the holiday was the award ceremony of the library staff. Director of the Scientific Library T. M. Kostyrko was awarded the rector's award "For conscientious work". Diplomas of the chairman of the Nikolaev regional public administration were awarded to the deputy director on automation I. IN. Cooper, Scientific Secretary C. IN. Larenkov, head of the library marketing department, innovative and methodical work O. IN. Бөлодэд. The diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Nikolaev regional public administration was awarded to the deputy director on scientific work T. FROM. Migunov. Diplomas of the Nikolaev regional council were handed over to the head of service department I. IN. Kuznetsova, head of the department of acquisition and scientific processing of literature I. IN. Novikova, chief bibliographer of the information and bibliographic department M. FROM. Zhigalkin. Honorary diplomas of the Nikolaev mayor were noted by the head of department of service In. M. Oleinichenko, head of the service department sector G. IN. Kostyuk, leading librarian of the service department G. D. Glushko. The diplomas were handed over by the vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of NUS named after. adm. Makarova S. ABOUT. Slobodyan. Diplomas of the National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Fifteen specialists of the Scientific Library were awarded to Makarov. They were presented by the Chairman of the Academic Council of the University Fr.. M. Oak. Six employees of the library were awarded diplomas of the Nikolaev regional library association. The diplomas were handed over by the chairman of the Nikolaev regional library association K.. M. Kartuzov.

100 years of service to education and science (continuation)

30 September Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova celebrated a double holiday: 100-anniversary and All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries. On the occasion of the celebration of the glorious anniversary and professional holiday, official celebrations were organized, which took place in the aud. D of the Main building of the university. Honorary guests came to congratulate the library on the outstanding event - the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, candidate of technical sciences, Professor of NUS named after. adm. Makarova S. ABOUT. Slobodyan, Chairman of the Academic Council, Doctor of Engineering, Professor O. M. Oak, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of Teachers and Staff of the University A. M. Tubaltsev, heads of educational and scientific institutes and faculties of the university, heads of departments, chief metrologist of NUS named after. adm. Makarova V. IN. Matskevich, teachers, employees, university students, veterans of the library. Congratulations to the book collection on the anniversary and K.. M. Kartuzov, the chairman of the Nikolaev regional library association, Director of the Scientific and Pedagogical Library of. Of Nikolaev, well-known Nikolaev publishers - L. Traspov, IN. Torubara, representatives of the publishing house "Oldie +": IN. AND. Serova, IN. IN. Москаленко, M. ABOUT. Panenko. And also colleagues, with which we are connected for many years, fruitful cooperation - from the libraries of the Free Economic Zone of. Of Nikolaev, Regional Universal Scientific Library, Central Library of CBS for adults. Of Nikolaev, Separate subdivision of the Nikolaev branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Take a short trip in length 100 years, The guests of the event had the opportunity to remember how it all started with the help of the documentary film “University Library: boundless world of knowledge ", specially created for this remarkable event by director Vadim Kirchev. A significant event of the official celebrations was the presentation of a book about the centuries-old activities of the university book collection "University Library: from traditional to digital ". This book is the result of painstaking research work of leading library specialists led by Director T.. M. Skeleton, who prepared the material for this publication, as well as the publishing house of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, thanks to which this book saw the light. An exciting and solemn part of the holiday was the award ceremony for conscientious work, high professionalism of the library staff (more details - in the preliminary information). A gift for anniversaries and everyone, who came to the holiday, performances by soloists of the sports and ballroom dance group "Nuance" Ksenia Fomenko and Daniil Boyko, students of the Educational and Scientific Humanities Institute Sofia Bohun, Yani Geletishak. On the occasion of such a majestic anniversary, those were also honored, who has dedicated his whole life to librarianship, and marked young professionals, who joined our team. The guests of the event were also introduced to the pearls of the library fund - rare and valuable publications on the history of the fleet and shipbuilding.; detailed information exposition "100 years of service to education and science", which highlighted the multifaceted activities of the Scientific Library; exhibition of publications, donated to the library, with the autographs of the authors; bright exhibition of photographs "Moments of the Century". One of the highlights of the festively decorated hall was a book installation in the form of an anniversary cake with a number 100, made by the skillful hands of the library staff. therefore, turned the 100th page of the library's history, rich in notable events and glorious names, ahead is a continuous path - a path of improvement in the field of information, education, science.
The book "University Library: from traditional to digital "

The book "University Library: from traditional to digital ", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova. This is a collection of scientific articles and materials, which sets out the history of the formation and development of the book collection during 1920-2020. The publication considers the formation of the resource base, development of information technologies, improvement of library and bibliographic service of readers, information support of educational and scientific activities of the university. Memories became the highlight of the publication, reviews, wish, photo materials. The book is addressed to librarians, historians, local historians, students and everyone, who is interested in development of education and culture of the Nikolaev region.

Documentary film "University Library: boundless world of knowledge "