New publications on journalism - for students

The journalistic profession is multifaceted. Man, who works in the media must be able to analyze and draw conclusions, to be curious, observant, persistent, sociable, sociable, tactful, attentive to people. And also - to have an excellent command of the word, it's good to put your thoughts on paper - and this is not even a complete list... Reliable assistants in the development of most of […]

Read, to be in trend!

Despite difficult times, the fund of our library is replenished with new literature, and we continue to introduce it to our readers. So, for review “Books, that deserve attention” students of the group visited 4411 together with V. D. Rogovym is a candidate of economic sciences, teacher of the department of intellectual digital economy. At the event, leading librarian N. ABOUT. Mahmutova […]

Professional development - motivation for self-improvement

Specialists of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarov are sure of that, what to be a professional, it is necessary to constantly improve one's competences and skills. This was facilitated by the workshop "Updated version of ABIS "UFD/Library", which was conducted 7 in February as part of measures to improve the level of professional qualifications. Moderator - Bondar I. IN., academic secretary of the university […]

Нові надходження до фонду відділу обслуговування користувачів у Машинобудівному навчально-науковому інституті

Віртуальна виставка «Нові надходження – 2023», prepared by the staff of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, має на меті ознайомити з новою літературою, яка надійшла до відділу впродовж 2023 year. Scientific, навчальна, публіцистична література стане у нагоді як студентам, так і викладачам для використання у навчальній та науковій роботі. […]

Research4Life provides access to humanities and social studies from Edinburgh University Press

To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested! Edinburgh University Press joins Research4Life, expanding access to humanities and social sciences / The inclusion of EUP in the Research4Life partnership means an incredible expansion of resources in the field of humanities and social sciences (HSS). All are attached 60 EUP journals, which include literary studies, linguistics, philosophy, […]