DB Scopus

DB Scopus https://www.scopus.com Is the largest international abstract and scientometric database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. The database is one of the components of the integrated scientific and information environment SciVerse. The developer and owner of SciVerse Scopus is the publishing corporation Elsevier. The resource indexes:
  • over 22 800 peer-reviewed scientific journals (close 60 million. records) from different fields of knowledge: natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, technology, health and medicine, social sciences and humanities;
  • 150 000 books;
  • 6,8 million. conference reports.
The Scopus database contains:
  • 12 million. author's profiles with detailed information about the author and an assessment of his scientific activity;
  • close 70 000 profiles of organizations with detailed information and evaluation of their scientific activity.
Among the advantages of this database is worth noting: user-friendly and simple interface, the ability to see results from all possible search sources. In particular: detailed picture by the names of magazines, authors and co-authors, organizations, years, types of publications, etc.. The Scopus database is updated daily and contains all document metadata, that facilitate the search for scientific information: author(and), affiliation(her), name, year of publication, source name, number of citations, digital object ID (DOI), abstract and much more. Follow the link "View from publisher" (View at Publisher) You can view the text of the document, if it is accessible. Content is carefully selected by an independent international team of librarians and scholars, which represent the main scientific disciplines, Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB), to ensure reflection in the database of scientific literature of the highest quality. Ranking among Ukrainian universities - 60 (Rating of the Free Economic Zone of Ukraine according to the scientometric database SciVerse Scopus http://www.euroosvita.net/index.php/?category=1&id=6441). Scientists of the NMU named after Admiral Makarov in the SCOPUS database The number of publications of scientists of the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov in the database SCOPUS as of 08.12.2021 p. – 591 document. h-index – 21.