Meeting of the Council of Heads of Library Institutions of Mykolaiv Oblast

Director of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarova, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications Tamara Mykolaivna Kostyrko took part in the meeting of the Council of Heads of Library Institutions of the Mykolaiv Oblast, which happened 30 April on the basis of the Mykolaiv Regional Universal Scientific Library. The topic of the meeting is "Transformation of public libraries during the war".

У своїй доповіді «Університетська бібліотека: адаптація до функціонування в умовах війни» Тамара Миколаївна окреслила основні напрямки роботи Наукової бібліотеки у військовий час та зробила акцент на тому, як бібліотека змогла швидковідреагувати на кризові події, активізувати свою діяльність, confirming, що вона є інформаційним та комунікаційним центром ЗВО.

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Participation in the presentation of the book

Employees of the service departments of the Scientific Library of the NUK named after. adm. Makarov took part in the online presentation of Liza Moskalenko's book “In a vortex of thoughts”, which was conducted by the Central City Library named after. M. L. Kropyvnytskyi. Thanks to the author, to the meeting organizers and guests for an interesting and meaningful event. We admire and are proud of the talent of the young author. We are waiting for new meetings.

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Meeting of the active section of the UBA university libraries

Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova took part in the active meeting of the Section of University Libraries of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. They discussed urgent aspects of the activities of libraries of higher education institutions, namely:

  • updating information about anti-plagiarism systems;

  • a new indicator in the Science Report of the Ministry of Education and Science (Addition. 2.7.6) for FAIR datasets, that have a DOI;

  • organization of the May Anti-school of university librarians.

We thank the organizers and colleagues for meaningful professional communication.

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A culture of academic integrity is the key to quality knowledge

Training of students of higher education of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarov's adherence to the principles of academic integrity is systematic, planned activity of the Scientific Library of the University. It is within its framework 26 In April of this year, the online lecture "Academic Integrity: course for students ".

The listeners were students of the first year of higher education of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Sciences and Project Management of the National University of. adm. Makarova, who study by specialties: 122 “Комп’ютерні науки”, 124 “Системний аналіз”, 126 “Інформаційні системи та технології”. Модератор заходу – координатор групи сприяння академічної доброчесності в університеті К. White-legged, librarian 1 категорії Наукової бібліотеки. Вона ознайомила першокурсників з правилами академічної доброчесності та складовими її порушення, зробила акцент на необхідності формування глибокого розуміння важливості дотримання основ академічної доброчесності в освітній діяльності. Студентів детально ознайомили з нормативними документи НУК ім. adm. Makarova, які регламентують дотримання правил академічної доброчесності в університеті. Також при активній участі першокурсників було проаналізовано існуючі засоби боротьби з плагіатом, розглянуто питання для кого і з якою метою це є важливим. Наприкінці лекції модератор заходу ще раз підкреслила, що академічна доброчесність – це моральна засада інтелектуальної чесності і співпраці, яка допомагає зберігати і розвивати цінності академічної спільноти. Її основний принцип полягає у відсутності плагіату та обману в науковій, навчальній та дослідницькій діяльності.

На завершення лекції здобувачі освіти були ознайомлені зі структурою вебсайту Наукової бібліотеки, який відзеркалює всю її діяльність, послугами бібліотеки, можливостями використання електронних інформаційних ресурсів для успішного навчання. Вони також отримали консультацію щодо правильності оформлення списків використаної літератури та описів електронного ресурсу.

Проведена онлайн-лекція є підтвердженням того, що Наукова бібліотека університету, як осередок доступу до інформаційних ресурсів, розповсюджує та популяризує серед здобувачів вищої освіти принципи академічної доброчесності та спонукає дотримуватися їх.

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Професійна співпраця

Нещодавно співробітники відділів обслуговування Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Макарова взяли участь у заходах, організованих колегами з Миколаївської обласної універсальної наукової бібліотеки. In particular, вони були учасниками VІ читацької конференціїНові імена в сучасній українській літературі”, де прослухали виступи щодо стану сучасної української літератури та актуальних подій, які відбуваються у літературному процесі.

Також фахівці долучилися до онлайн-зустрічі з циклуЛітСвіт: про літературу і не тільки…з Тетяною П’янковою – авторкою поетичних збірок, романів, співзасновницею та креативною директоркою Літературної агенціїЗілля”, лауреаткою Міжнародного літературного конкурсуКоронація слова”. На зустрічі вони мали можливість поспілкуватися з письменницею, більше дізнатися про її творчість. Відвідування таких заходів сприяє обміну професійним досвідом з популяризації книг та читання.

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День розпочинається з подарунків!

   Наукова бібліотека отримала черговий подарунок від авторів – викладачів кафедри економічної політики та безпеки Факультету економіки моря НУК ім. Admiral Makarov. Фонд бібліотеки примножився новим навчальним посібником «Міжнародна економіка» (за заг. ред. D. IN. Єфімової. – Миколаїв : NUK, 2024. – 324 from.), який охоплює широке коло питань становлення та розвитку світової економіки, проблеми економічної глобалізації та інтеграції. Вітаємо з виходом нового видання авторський колектив: Єфімову Г. IN., доктора економічних наук, professor, завідувача кафедри; Марущак С. M., кандидата економічних наук, associate professor; Вдовиченко Д. YU., кандидата економічних наук; Пащенка О. IN., кандидата економічних наук, доцента кафедри фінансів; Майстренко О. M., кандидата економічних наук, доцента кафедри економіки та організації виробництва; Павлову М. D., teacher. В часи війни це особливо важлива і знакова подія.

Щиро дякуємо за щедрість і увагу до бібліотеки! Наша бібліотека завжди відкрита для нових подарунків!

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ІІІ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Стратегії розвитку бібліотек: від ідеї до втілення»

Specialists of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarova, within the framework of the continuous library education system, constantly pay attention to increasing the level of their professional competence: беруть участь в конференціях, вебінарах, курсах у форматах онлайн та офлайн. So., Monday - Friday: 9 by 13 квітня співробітники бібліотеки долучились до ІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Стратегії розвитку бібліотек: від ідеї до втілення», яка відбулася в освітньому просторі Clust Space офлайн та онлайн на YouTub, та була присвячена «Стратегічному управлінню в умовах війни». Конференція була організована Науково-технічною бібліотекою ім. Г.І. Денисенка Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут ім. Ігоря Сікорського» та ВГО «Українська бібліотечна асоціація».

Дякуємо організаторам та доповідачам за ґрунтовні доповіді та цікаве професійне обговорення!

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"Line the road with flowers – fighters, that brought peace to our land"

28 March is the day of memory of the sons of Ukraine, who gave their lives for the liberation of Mykolaiv from the Nazi invaders. On the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of Mykolaiv from the Nazi occupation, an hour of remembrance was organized in the Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National Academy of Sciences "Lay the road with flowers - for the soldiers, that brought peace to our land". To the west, to the reading room of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering, students of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute visited, groups 1531 and 1551.

The meeting began with a speech by the head of the user service department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law I. IN. Kuznetsova about the heroic liberation of Mykolaiv in March 1944 year.

With the help of the electronic presentation "History is stored not only in books", library employee S. YU. Gordynets familiarized those present with an interactive map of the location of memorial signs, which preserve the memory of the exploits of the soldiers who liberated Mykolaiv in the spring 1944 year, and also with the history of the creation of some of them.

During the meeting O. IN. Bobbin, Director of the Educational and Scientific Humanities Institute, candidate of historical sciences, the associate professor drew a historical parallel between the events of the Second World War and that, what Ukraine and Mykolaiv in particular is experiencing now.

The director of the Admiral Makarov Scientific Library T. M. Kostyrko also talked about the great work in preserving the fund, which was performed by the library staff after the rocket attack on the university.

The informative addition of the event was the thematic exhibition of literature "Honor for a feat, gratitude for peace", with which everyone who wants to get acquainted.

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The scientific library invites!

Dear friends! WITH 20 March in the reading room of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the National University of. adm. Makarov's literature exhibition is on display "Professional specialized publications".

Monographs, textbooks, reference literature on theoretical and practical issues of engine construction, alternative energy, metrology and standardization and many others will help you in your educational and scientific activities. The purpose of the exhibition is to acquaint users with the research of scientists of leading educational and scientific institutions of Ukraine.

The first visitors to the exhibition were the associate professor of the department of technical thermal physics and ship steam generating units, candidate of technical sciences P.A. Patsurkovskyi with first-year students.

In the reading room, you can also familiarize yourself with the exhibitions "Scientific and educational publications of scientists of the MNNI NUK named after. adm. Makarov ", "Improving English", "Professional periodicals in English" and others.

Students and teachers, we are waiting for you in the reading room of the Old building of the NUK named after. adm. Makarova, at the address of st. Kuznetsk, 5

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Scientific library - to the 145th anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein

On the occasion of the anniversary of the outstanding scientist of the 20th century in the Scientific Library of the NUK named after. adm. Makarov held an interesting event - historical retrospective "Genius, that changed the world", organized for groups seeking higher education 2341, 2381 and 1387-st. by employees of the user service department of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering.

During the event, students got acquainted not only with the scientific achievements of the Nobel laureate in the field of physics, the author of the theory of relativity, philosopher, public figure, and also with interesting stories, cases and even anecdotes from the life of Albert Einstein.

The presentation "Genius, who changed the world", as well as the films “Albert Einstein. History and facts" and "Little known facts about Einstein", which successfully supplemented the information palette of the event.

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The formation of a student's information competence is the key to successful learning

Formation of the information culture of students of higher education is one of the vectors of the activity of the Scientific Library of the university, which promotes awareness of resources and services, which it provides.

This was the purpose of the meeting with the second-year students, studying in specialties 125 "Cyber ​​security" and 151 “Automation and computer-integrated technologies”. In the reading room of the user service department at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering Kateryna Bilonozho, librarian of the 1st category conducted a lecture on the topic "Basics of information culture".

Those seeking higher education listened with interest, what electronic resources does the Scientific Library have, using them in the learning process, namely: library website, electronic catalog and access to it 24/7, using a mobile application, which can be downloaded using a QR code. Students also received information about open access resources, electronic databases, where thousands of journals and scientific articles are presented. At the lecture, those present learned about the materials of the educational courses, which can be studied independently at any time convenient for them.

Kateryna Bilonozhko also provided advice and explained the content of the Regulation "On graduation qualification work at Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding", which establishes rules and requirements for the performance and protection of qualification works.

The informativeness of the event and the interesting presentation of the material aroused lively interest among students.

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Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova is an information intermediary in the development of the principles of academic integrity

One of the priority areas of activity of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarov is to popularize the principles of academic integrity among students of higher education of various levels. So, recently for students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering, specialties 125 Cybersecurity ( city. 2381, 1387) and 151 “Automation and computer-integrated technologies” ( city. 2341) a thematic lecture "Academic Integrity: course for students ".

The moderator of the event is Kateryna Bilonozhko, coordinator of the Group for the Promotion of Academic Integrity at NUK named after. adm. Makarova, category I librarian.

At the lecture, students got acquainted with the main criteria for observing the ethical principles of education, learned to independently detect and identify types of violations of academic integrity during practical test tasks, according to their results, they received a certificate of completion of the course “Academic integrity”.

Honest acquisition of quality education is the key to Ukraine's success and happy future. 💙💛

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Scientific library - for the 85th anniversary of the Department of Technical Thermophysics and ship steam generating units

Literature exhibition "Technical thermodynamics and heat transfer: to help engineering and technical students" and review on the topic "Scientific works of teachers of the department of technical thermal physics and ship steam generating units" department of service for users of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarova started a series of events to the 85th anniversary of the department of technical thermophysics and ship steam generating units (TT and SPU).

The exhibition presents monographs, textbooks, materials of scientific and technical conferences, methodological literature, articles from periodicals on relevant subjects as teachers of the department, as well as their colleagues - scientists from leading universities of Ukraine. The exhibition has already been visited by V.V. Kuznetsov, associate professor of the Department of Technical and Technical Sciences, candidate of technical sciences with his students.

We are waiting for everyone, who is interested in this issue, in the Old Building of the National Academy of Sciences at the address: street. Kuznetsk, 5, aud. 56.

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Dear friends!

Donating books in our library is an old and good tradition. Our beloved users continue to participate in the promotion on the occasion of the International Book Giving Day! We are very grateful to the old friend of the library V. D. Rogov, candidate of economic sciences, the teacher of the department of intellectual digital economy, and O.Yu. Kravchuk, candidate of political sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, of philosophy and social and humanitarian disciplines for donated books! So visit the Science Library, to be able to get acquainted with new products!

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The library is for the student: introduction to mechanical engineering specialty

Employees of the User Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of the Ukrainian National University named after. adm. Makarov together with S.A. Kuznetsova, Associate Professor of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and Thermal Power Engineering, Cand. tech. of Sciences, an introductory lecture on the topic "Encyclopedia of ship power engineering" was held for first-year students. Specialists of the department prepared a review of the literature on the relevant topic, provided information on traditional and remote library services, introduced new arrivals to the library. Contemporary Ukrainian and English-language periodicals, as always, aroused considerable interest among visitors.

Students' interest in acquiring knowledge, striving for a common goal, promotes cooperation in the "student-teacher-librarian" system in today's difficult times.

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Dear friends and fans of the library!

Scientific Library of NUS named after. Admiral Makarov expresses his sincere gratitude for participating in the campaign on the occasion of the International Book Donation Day - E.B. Khachaturov, to the head of the NSC "Technopark NUK", Doctor of Law. Science; O.Yu. Dubinsky, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, economic, legal and social issues, Doctor of Law. Science, to the professor; І.О.. Zhuvaginius, dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the Pervomaiskyi Educational and Scientific Institute of the Ukrainian National University named after. Admiral Makarov, Cand. econ. Science, associate professor; N.O.. Nikolayenko, head of the Educational and Scientific Analytical Center for the Study of Hybrid Threats to National Security in the South of Ukraine of the National Technical University named after. Admiral Makarov, flight doctor. Science, professors; В.М. Ryabenko, to the head of the Department of Programmable Electronics, electrical engineering and telecommunications, Dr. Tech. Science, to the professor; SI. Serbia, to the director of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, Dr. Tech. Science, to the professor; V.S.. Pour it on, Professor of Internal Combustion Engines, installation and operation, Cand. tech. Science; OK. Cherednichenko, Professor of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and Heat Power Engineering, Dr. Tech. Science. Thank you for your concern, warmth of hearts, understanding and support of library traditions, because the formation of library funds is our joint business.

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New publications on journalism - for students

The journalistic profession is multifaceted. Man, who works in the media must be able to analyze and draw conclusions, to be curious, observant, persistent, sociable, sociable, tactful, attentive to people. And also - to have an excellent command of the word, it's good to put your thoughts on paper - and this is not even a complete list... Reliable assistants in the development of most of these skills are educational and practical guides on journalism. So, 9 of February in the Scientific Library of the NUK named after Adm. Makarov for students of the group 1551, who study "Journalism" by I.V. Kuznetsova, head of the user service department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law, conducted a literature review on the topic "New Journalism Publications". Textbooks and practical guides on journalism were brought to the students' attention, media education of the publishing house "Academy of the Ukrainian Press".

The scientific library sincerely thanks S. IN. Guzenko, candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism for his help in organizing the event and hopes for further cooperation.

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Read, to be in trend!

Despite difficult times, the fund of our library is replenished with new literature, and we continue to introduce it to our readers. So, for review “Books, that deserve attention” students of the group visited 4411 together with V. D. Rogovym is a candidate of economic sciences, teacher of the department of intellectual digital economy. At the event, leading librarian N. ABOUT. Makhmutova and librarian I. L. Domashev, readers were presented with new works of fiction by modern Ukrainian authors. But our library also has real book gems - reference editions in English. Employees of the department familiarized library guests with encyclopedias “Britannica”, “World book” and “Popular science”, the history of their creation and interesting facts, associated with these publications. Readers had the opportunity to view books, express your thoughts and wishes regarding new incomes. The event took place in a warm and cozy atmosphere. We hope for new interesting meetings!

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Professional development - motivation for self-improvement

Specialists of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarov are sure of that, what to be a professional, it is necessary to constantly improve one's competences and skills. This was facilitated by the workshop "Updated version of ABIS "UFD/Library", which was conducted 7 in February as part of measures to improve the level of professional qualifications. Moderator - Bondar I. IN., academic secretary of the university library, introduced the present to the functionality of the updated version of ABIS "UFD/Library", which will increase the productivity and efficiency of the librarian's work, to improve the quality of user service and the satisfaction of their information needs. The acquired knowledge will be applied in the further practical work of library specialists.

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Methodical Council of the Scientific Library

26 January 2024 the first meeting of the Methodological Council took place, which was attended by the staff of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarov and employees of the Scientific Library of MNU named after. IN. ABOUT. Sukhomlinsky. Director of NB Kostirko T. M. reported on the work of the library at 2023 year and outlined the main areas of work for 2024 year. Tamara Mykolaivna noted, that the library team was able to reformat its work in accordance with the challenges of the times.

Beloded O., Deputy Director of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences for Scientific Work. IN. she familiarized those present with the plan of measures to increase the professional competence of specialists of libraries of higher education institutions and the plan of socio-cultural work.

The solemn part of the meeting was the recognition of the employees of the Scientific Library of the NUK Simonenko N. IS. and Mohylna O. L. Certificates for many years of work in the library industry, responsible attitude to the chosen cause and on the occasion of anniversaries.

The library team sincerely thanks the loyal readers, virtual users and the entire university community for their support and understanding.

There are many plans for the coming year, therefore, we continue to work and implement the plan.

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The Scientific Library is grateful

Scientific library of the National University of Shipbuilding named after. adm. Makarova expresses her sincere gratitude to the Academy of the Ukrainian Press for the donated publications - practical guides on journalism, media education, which will be useful to those seeking education, students majoring in Journalism, teachers, as well as all, who is interested in journalism, who wants to be an educated participant in any media process,

In particular, it:

study guide by Daniel Suess, "Media pedagogy" by Claudia Lampert and Kristina Trültzsch-Wijnen, published in the series "Textbooks on communication and media studies", intended for those, who gets acquainted with this specialty and covers a huge range of issues, related to media pedagogy, media education, media competences, media literacy;

Klaus Mayer's textbook "Journalism", which is a kind of introduction to the profession, covers the general important points of the story, theories and practices of journalism;

Tetyana Ivanova's tutorial "How not to become a gamifier" on the methodology of media literacy training for media trainers and teachers of higher education institutions of Ukraine, which introduce into the educational process of media education and skills of critical consumption of information;

Bjorn Stashen's practical guide "Mobile Journalism", dedicated to the practical problems of the transition of traditional journalism to the use of the latest equipment and the latest applications in television- and radio journalism.

So., we invite you to visit the Scientific Library and familiarize yourself with the publications.

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