Access to ScienceDirect resources

4 December 2020 p. Signing of the agreement between the State Scientific Library of Ukraine and Elsevier completed important negotiation procedures between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Elsevier on access to electronic scientific databases and analytical resources. All state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions of Ukraine, regardless of departmental subordination, have one-year access to […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear users and colleagues! Dear friends! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holidays - New Year and Christmas! Let these holidays bring warmth and comfort to your homes, cheerful smiles and joyful emotions, and New 2021 the year will be a year of new ideas, dreams and new accomplishments. We wish, to your hearts […]

The scientific library informs

Dear users! We offer to get acquainted with new publications, which were received by the Scientific Library in December 2020 year. The provided annotations will help to orientate in the choice of books better, which reveal the content of each edition. The book will always help you gain new knowledge!

New webinars from Clarivate Analytics

Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! We invite you to join the free webinars from Clarivate Analytics in January 2021 p. Speaker - Tikhonkova Irina, Ph.D., Clarivate information and analytical resources and training. The broadcast will take place on Webex, connection is possible only from computers with operating system above XP and updated versions of browsers. […]

The Scientific Library congratulates on St. Nicholas Day!

Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova warmly and sincerely congratulates everyone on one of the brightest Christian holidays - St. Nicholas Day! May this holiday bring joy and light to your homes, will inspire love and inspire mercy, will give faith in the fulfillment of the most cherished desires! Good health to you, peace and good, abundance […]