New webinars from Elsevier consultants

If you are a researcher-user, or editor or publisher of a scientific journal, and you have questions about working with Scopus and ScienceDirect databases, or features of a scientific publishing house, You can get answers from Elsevier consultants - Katarzyna Gaca-Zając and Andrey Mikhailov. Join webinars and ask your own questions: […]

Scientific and practical seminar “The evolution of the modern library: from classic to digital ” in online format, 11 December 2020 p.

Date of the event: Friday, 11 December 2020, 11:00-13:00 Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, The Nikolaev regional library association invites to take part in a scientific and practical seminar “The evolution of the modern library: from classic to digital” in online format , what will happen 11 December 2020 p. Monday - Friday: 11:00 am to 13:00. To participate in the previous one […]

The scientific library informs

Dear users! We offer to get acquainted with new publications, which were received by the Scientific Library in November 2020 year. The provided annotations will help to orientate in the choice of books better, which reveal the content of each edition. The book will always help you gain new knowledge!

New webinars from Clarivate Analytics

Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! We invite you to join free webinars from Clarivate Analytics. The broadcast will take place on Webex, connection is possible only from computers with operating system above XP and updated versions of browsers. There is a certificate of participation for each topic separately, those who listen more 90 % webinar. 1 […]

Electronic books published by SPRINGER NATURE

To the attention of scientists and students of NUS. adm. Makarova! We remind, what with 3 January 2020 p. NUK them adm. Makarov got free access to 9 430 titles of full-text e-books 2017 p. published by the well-known international publishing house Springer Nature. This access was provided by the Ministry of Education and Science through the State Scientific and Technical Library (DNTB). […]