22 April - International Mother Earth Day

The purpose of this day – pay attention to environmental problems. On this occasion, within the framework of the ecological project “The green light of our lives”, we offer you an audio video sketch "Look, The earth begs for help!», created by the staff of the reading room of the customer service department of the Main Building of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova. Let's save the Earth - our common […]


According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 29 May 2020 year № 721 (with changes, introduced by order of the Ministry of Education and Science from 17 November 2020 year № 1426), Ukrainian institutions of higher education and research institutions, regardless of departmental characteristics, with the status of a budgetary institution at the expense of budgetary funds from January to December 2021 year provided […]

Round Table “Academic integrity in the educational environment: challenges and practices”

To the attention of teachers and scientists of NUS. adm. Makarova! American Councils for International Education as part of the project “Initiative of academic integrity and quality of education” invited to a round table “Academic integrity in the educational environment: challenges and practices”. When: 29 April 2021 year Duration: 10.00 – 13.00 Venue: online, YouTube https://youtu.be/xYDvLIwlzDk […]

We analyze the plagiarism check report

Dear students, teachers, scientists of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! 22 April Fr. 15:00 Unicheck invites you to a webinar on the main aspects of the similarity report, which is formed after checking the work for plagiarism. Practical cases and the most interesting questions about plagiarism testing and academic integrity at the university will be considered. The speaker of the event is an expert […]

To the World Book and Copyright Day

The Scientific Library invites everyone to visit the online exhibition of local publishing houses "Nikolaev Book - 2021" in online format, which will happen with 19 by 24 April 2021 year. The online content of the exhibition is presented by a wide range of video products: excursions, reviews, interviews with publishers and authors, book trailers for books of the Nikolaev authors, video readings of works, etc.. 10 Nikolaev publishing houses and […]