We miss you. Remember.

The staff of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov sadly reports, what 1 May 2021 p. on 83 Dina Oleksandrivna Misarenko, a former library employee, was born in the year of her life. She worked more than once in the Scientific Library 40 years - a librarian, bibliographer, senior bibliographer, head of the bibliographic department, Deputy Head of the Library and Head of the Branch […]

New webinars from Clarivate in May

Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! We invite you to join the free webinars from Clarivate in May 2021 p.: 11 May Theme: New features of the new Web of Science Core Collection interface On the online demonstration: – find documents on a particular topic; – use reduction and replacement characters and search operators; […]

The Scientific Library wishes you a Happy Easter!

Dear users and colleagues! We sincerely congratulate you on the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection! May joy and peace of mind reign in your hearts. We wish you and your family to feel the fullness of life in these spring days, the generosity of the Ukrainian land and family warmth. May the Lord give you love, joy, kindness and purity of thought, world […]

Chernobyl… Not to be forgotten

(26 April - 35 years from the date of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant) Chernobyl… 26 April 1986 year… It was spring - blooming, imbued with the smell of the earth and new life. And the explosion, what happened that day, made the city a dead zone forever. This is a bitter word - Chernobyl… For millions of Ukrainians and residents of the country […]

23 April - World Book and Copyright Day

"Vivat! Vivat "say the book! Book… The greatest miracle, created by man. April 23 is its holiday - World Book and Copyright Day (decision 28 UNESCO session, which took place in 1995 year). It is considered, that Book Day was celebrated in the first half of the twentieth century. The idea of ​​the holiday belongs to Vicente Clavel Andres - writer and editor […]