International Mother Language Day was introduced with the aim of preserving the languages ​​of all the peoples of the planet and treating them with respect. It was first noted in 2000 year, and has been celebrated annually since then 21 February. The Ukrainian people have a long history, he created an original and unique culture. And its most important feature, що дає йому право називатися нацією, language is our greatest spiritual value. Our language is a treasure, переданий попередніми поколіннями. Цей скарб знайшов відображення у давніх переказах, in народних піснях, at the orders. Our language also shines in the works of our writers. Poems about the Ukrainian language occupy an honorable place in the treasury of poetic works. We bring to your attention poems of Ukrainian poets about language, which will not leave you indifferent.

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