21 You can find more detailed information in the electronic catalog of the library at

International Mother Language Day was introduced with the aim of preserving the languages ​​of all the peoples of the planet and treating them with respect. It was first noted in 2000 year, and has been celebrated annually since then 21 February. Український народ має давню історію, він створив оригінальну й неповторну культуру. А найголовнішою його ознакою, що дає йому право називатися […]

Elsevier online trainings and seminars for Ukraine

To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested! На допомогу викладачам та дослідникам на україномовному порталі Elsevier представлений календар майбутніх навчальних вебінарів і бібліотека раніше записаних відео українською мовою. More details at http link://surl.li/eywny #NBNUK, #science_in_nuk, #hole news, # Elsevier, #online training

Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

20 February in Ukraine annually celebrates the Day of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred in accordance with the Presidential Decree dated 11 February 2015 of the year "On commemorating the feat of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity and perpetuating the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred". 20 February 2014 the most Euromaidan activists died. In general, the revolutionary events of winter 2013-2014 years took the lives of more than a hundred Maidan activists. […]