Every year 21 March marks World Poetry Day. «Поезія, – говориться в рішенні ЮНЕСКО, – може стати відповіддю на найгостріші і найглибші духовні питання сучасної людини, але для цього необхідно привернути до неї широку суспільну увагу. The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man, The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man, develops intelligence, The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man. The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man: "Poetry is always unique, some immortal touch to the soul ". Today, The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man, Lesya Ukrainka, Ivan Franko, The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man, The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man, The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man, The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man, Paul Ticini! Remember, The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man, The art of the poetic word helps to form and enrich the inner world of man.

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