Dear users of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarova! WITH 12 am to 19 грудня Український інститут книги проводить другий Національний тиждень читання! National Reading Week is an annual event, which UIC conducts in order to draw attention to Ukrainian books, available in library funds of Ukraine, популяризувати читання як життєву практику серед українців та посприяти розвитку популярної літератури українською мовою Протягом цього тижня УІК проводить дві акції: “Read to the holes” and “A book at war”. Within the framework of the information campaign “Read to the holes” UIC will distribute selections of the most popular books of Ukrainian libraries in seven genres of popular fiction and seven genres of popular non-fiction literature. More than helped to form this list 60 from 69 national, state and regional public libraries, including regional libraries for children, for youth and universal scientific libraries, which are subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. in addition, during the National Reading Week, the UIC organizes a series of interviews with writers live on Ukrainian TV channels. Within the promotion “A book at war” you will have the opportunity to listen to conversations with writers, who were active this year and published a book, received an award, were shortlisted for important awards and had the opportunity to go on the air at the specified time. Announcements of each conversation will be posted on the UIC pages soon. We invite everyone who wants to participate in the National Reading Week - as a person, and on behalf of the organization. How to participate in National Reading Week? · ділитися своїми найбільш улюбленими книжками від українських або іноземних авторів, виданих українською мовою з хештегами #Read to the Holes and #a week of reading · розповідати про найбільш важливі для вас і для українського суспільства книги цього воєнного року з хештегами #The book at war and #a week of reading · поширювати добірки книжок, which became particularly important to you or your organization during the war 2022 of the year or popular in your field of activity with hashtags: #The book at war and #a week of reading Let's give each other the opportunity to find new book treasures for the winter holidays! #a week of reading #Read to the Holes #The book at war

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