We invite you to take part in regular webinars in Ukrainian from Clarivate. In October, we will once again talk about scientometrics, authors, citation, the Nobel Prize and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. WEBEX registration is open, free, who will listen more 90% of the main time of the webinar - receive a participant's certificate. Schedule of webinars https://clarivate.libguides.com/europe/ukraine 6 October 2022 Subject: Fundamentals of scientometrics. Clarivate Series for Scholars 2022 These: Historical excursion, terminology, the data, Indicators […]
To the attention of education seekers, teachers, employees of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarova!
ACCESS TO ACADEMIC TEXTS OF THE NATIONAL REPOSITORY BECOME OPEN Currently, the National National Repository has metadata of 331,528 reports on research and development works and dissertations for the period from 1995 r and to the present time. Of them 77% or 255 thousand. academic texts are accompanied by full-text versions. It 122,7 thousand. R&D and 132,3 thousand. dissertations on […]
The scientific library informs
Dear students, graduate students, teachers, scientists and all interested! We invite you to listen to the next webinars in Ukrainian from Clarivate. In October, we will once again talk about scientometrics, authors, citation, the Nobel Prize and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. WEBEX registration is open, free, who will listen more 90% of the main time of the webinar - receive a participant's certificate. Schedule of webinars https://clarivate.libguides.com/europe/ukraine 6 […]
The scientific library presents
30 September - All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries. On this occasion, the Scientific Library presents the speeches of friends, colleagues, users - participants of the reading flashmob "Reading, we dream, let's get together"! The event is held with the aim of promoting the sustainability of libraries in wartime conditions, strengthening their positive image, strengthening of the advocacy direction. We present to your attention: speech by Vyacheslav Rogov, an active user and friend of the library, […]
Scientific library for the All-Ukrainian Library Day
The library profession is very old, it has existed for more than four and a half thousand years. In past years, the librarian's job was taken on by writers, philosophers, knowledgeable people. The virtual exhibition "Big names in the library profession" will introduce you to extraordinary people in the library profession. We invite you to watch!