The scientific library presents

Dear users! We invite you to turn the pages of the unique encyclopedia "Britannica", after viewing the virtual exhibition "Wisdom of the Centuries". The exhibition was prepared by employees of the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals of the NUS National Library. Enjoy!

To the attention of education seekers, teachers, employees of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarova!

We invite you to take part in regular webinars in Ukrainian from Clarivate. In October, we will once again talk about scientometrics, authors, citation, the Nobel Prize and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. WEBEX registration is open, free, who will listen more 90% of the main time of the webinar - receive a participant's certificate. Schedule of webinars 6 October 2022 Subject: Fundamentals of scientometrics. Clarivate Series for Scholars 2022 These: Historical excursion, terminology, the data, Indicators […]

To the attention of education seekers, teachers, employees of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarova!

ДОСТУП ДО АКАДЕМІЧНИХ ТЕКСТІВ НАЦРЕПОЗИТАРІЮ СТАЄ ВІДКРИТИМ Наразі у НРАТ представлені метадані 331’528 звітів про науково-дослідні та дослідно-конструкторські роботи і дисертації за період з 1995 р і по теперішній час. З них 77% or 255 thousand. академічних текстів супроводжуються повнотекстовими версіями. It 122,7 thousand. НДДКР та 132,3 thousand. дисертацій на […]

The scientific library informs

Dear students, graduate students, teachers, scientists and all interested! Запрошуємо вас прослухати чергові вебінари українською від Clarivate. In October, we will once again talk about scientometrics, authors, citation, the Nobel Prize and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. WEBEX registration is open, free, who will listen more 90% of the main time of the webinar - receive a participant's certificate. Schedule of webinars 6 […]