A year ago, a well-known scientist in the field of ship power engineering passed away, candidate of technical sciences, professor, Honored Education Worker of Ukraine, the head of the department of operation of ship power plants and thermal power engineering of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarova Viktor Mykhailovych Gorbov. Virtual exhibition "In Memory of the Scientist", яку підготували співробітники відділу обслуговування користувачів Наукової бібліотеки у Машинобудівному навчально-науковому інституті […]
Webinar:”SciVal: from data to compelling research narratives”
To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested!
We present to your attention the Clarivate webinar schedule for November: 9 November - "Types of search queries in the Web of Science Core Collection" 16 November - "EndNote: design of the article in the format of a magazine" 23 November - "Bases on the Web of Science platform" 30 November - "Research Smarter Introducing two new indices on the platform […]
10 November is World Science Day for Peace and Development
This day reminds the international community of the need to use scientific and technical achievements in the interests of peace and development for the benefit of human civilization. It is also a great opportunity to honor scientific traditions, popularization of scientists' achievements, attracting young people to the world of science. On the occasion of the holiday, the Scientific Library presents a virtual essay "World Science Day". Enjoy.
9 November - All-Ukrainian Day of Culture Workers and Masters of Folk Art
The scientific library welcomes everyone, who devoted himself to a noble cause - to preserve, to develop and reproduce the priceless spiritual treasures of our people! Thanks to dedicated people, Ukrainian culture was able to preserve its identity, despite the powerful onslaughts of many aggressors and take a worthy place among world cultures.