Employees of the service departments of the Scientific Library of the NUK named after. adm. Makarov took part in the online presentation of Liza Moskalenko's book “In a vortex of thoughts”, which was conducted by the Central City Library named after. M. L. Kropyvnytskyi. Thanks to the author, to the meeting organizers and guests for an interesting and meaningful event. We admire and are proud of the talent of the young author. We are waiting for new meetings. Photo report: […]
PREPAY - 2024!
To the attention of the scientific community and all interested parties!
We invite you to Clarivate webinars in Ukrainian in May. The May session opens with the most relevant topic about author profiles, since the update, which was announced a month ago, came into force. Some of the authors, who started the profile with ResearcherID must confirm the position of the author. Instructions in English at https link://rise.articulate.com/…/VYcqtloWzQLy24OvIKXIyWAFE… , we hope to have a similar one in Ukrainian soon, but we are still studying […]
Meeting of the active section of the UBA university libraries
Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova took part in the active meeting of the Section of University Libraries of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. They discussed urgent aspects of the activities of libraries of higher education institutions, namely: updating information about anti-plagiarism systems;a new indicator in the Science Report of the Ministry of Education and Science (Addition. 2.7.6) for FAIR datasets, that have a DOI;organization of the May Anti-school of university librarians. We thank the organizers and colleagues […]
A culture of academic integrity is the key to quality knowledge
Training of students of higher education of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarov's adherence to the principles of academic integrity is systematic, planned activity of the Scientific Library of the University. It is within its framework 26 In April of this year, the online lecture "Academic Integrity: course for students ". The listeners were students of the first year of higher education of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Sciences and Project Management of the National University of. […]