Access to JSTOR from EIFL

The Foundation and the coordinator of its programs in Ukraine - the "Informatio-Consortium" Association announce the renewal of the current agreement with JSTOR and the provision of free access to JSTOR Archive Journals, including 2500 humanities magazines, social and natural sciences for 36 EIFL partner countries. Access to the JSTOR Archive Journals collection is available in all corpuses […]

Access to Springer Nature journals

WITH 3 January 2020 In 2018, all Ukrainian state and municipal higher education institutions and scientific institutions received free access to the full-text resources of the well-known international publisher Springer Nature. The subscription from the state budget was provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Free access to the following resources of the Springer Link portal is available upon subscription to the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, namely: […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear users and colleagues! Accept sincere congratulations on the New Year and Christmas! May these beautiful winter holidays bring peace, rest, harmony and confidence in the future. May the future continue 2020 year, each of us is warmed by the warmth of the family hearth, care of friends, relatives and colleagues, the most cherished dreams and hopes come true. Let the new one […]

The Scientific Library congratulates on St. Nicholas Day!

Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova warmly and sincerely congratulates everyone on one of the brightest Christian holidays - St. Nicholas Day! May this holiday bring joy and light to your homes, will inspire love and inspire good deeds and charity, will give faith in the fulfillment of the most cherished desires! Peace to you and […]