Відкрито тестовий доступ до колекції журналів видавництва Wiley

WITH 1 February on 30 April 2020 Test access to the prestigious collection of magazines of Wiley publishing house opened for Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding. Wiley Full Journal Collection includes over 1500 titles of authoritative magazines with an archive of publications over 20 years - with 1997 by 2020 years. За тематичним спрямуванням колекція […]

Access to full-text electronic collections of books published by the Center for Educational Literature

Dear users, we remind, that the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding acquired access to full-text electronic collections of books published by the Center for Educational Literature on 2020 year. It's almost 1300 books on various topics: audit, accountant's, personnel accounting, finances, economy, management, marketing, legal literature, humanities, natural and technical sciences. During the prepaid period […]

Ukrainian spelling

For the information of the university community!In the site section “Internet resources” розміщено посилання на вебсайт МОНУ де представлена нова редакція “Ukrainian spelling” (2019)