Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! We invite you to join a series of webinars for researchers and authors, conducted by Wiley 15 and 16 September. 15 September, Wiley Publishing House holds a webinar: "How to write a good article for an international magazine". Register 16 In September, Wiley Publishing House holds a webinar entitled “Reviewing and Ethics: as […]
Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! Project MUSE offers books and journals with open access from well-known university and scientific societies in the United States (Johns Hopkins University Press, Cornell University Press, The MIT Press and others.) and Europe (Amsterdam University Press, Leiden University Press, Edinburgh University Press and others.). Also […]
24 August - Independence Day of Ukraine! On this occasion, accept the most sincere congratulations! May the source of your faith not be exhausted, hope and love for the native land, we wish you energy and self-confidence! We wish everyone good health, successful implementation of far-reaching plans, well-being, peace and good. Sincerely, the staff of the Scientific Library
Dear users! We offer to get acquainted with new publications , which were received by the Scientific Library in July 2020 year. The provided annotations will help to orientate in the choice of books better, which reveal the content of each edition. The book will always help you gain new knowledge!
Dear users! We offer to get acquainted with new publications , received by the Scientific Library in June 2020 year. The provided annotations will help to orientate in the choice of books better, which reveal the content of each edition. The book will always help you gain new knowledge!