21 November marks the Day of Dignity and Freedom in Ukraine. On this memorable day, Ukrainians pay tribute to patriotism and courage to the participants of the Orange Revolution 2004 year, Revolution of Dignity 2013 – 2014 years, who stood up for democratic values, human and civil rights and freedoms, national interests of our state and its European choice. […]
Ukrainian scientists will have free access to the ScienceDirect database
To the attention of scientists of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has decided to provide Ukrainian scientists with access to full-text resources at the expense of budget funds (e-books) ScienceDirect database. The relevant order was signed by Acting. Minister Serhiy Shkarlet. "We understand the importance of providing Ukrainian scientists with access to advanced resources of scientific and technical information and […]
Virtual exhibition “Shipbuilding and ship repair”
New webinars from Clarivate Analytics
Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! We invite you to join free webinars from Clarivate Analytics. The broadcast will take place on Webex, connection is possible only from computers with operating system above XP and updated versions of browsers. There is a certificate of participation for each topic separately, those who listen more 90 % webinar. 1 […]
17 November - International Student Day
Dear students! The Scientific Library congratulates you on the International Students' Day - a holiday of active student youth, full of joy of life, youth! We wish you good health, great mood, the world, love, academic success and happiness in personal life! Let no virus or quarantine prevent you from successfully gaining invaluable knowledge for a solid foundation […]