(26 April - 35 years from the date of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant) Chernobyl… 26 April 1986 year… It was spring - blooming, imbued with the smell of the earth and new life. And the explosion, what happened that day, made the city a dead zone forever. This is a bitter word - Chernobyl… For millions of Ukrainians and residents of the post-Soviet space, this word is forever etched in the memory. The whole world was shaken by that tragic day 26 April 1986 year, which forever entered the history of mankind under the name "Chernobyl disaster". On this day, the largest man-made catastrophe of the twentieth century - the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. As a result, it is almost 8,4 millions of people have been exposed to radiation. IN 2016 year, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution, which she proclaimed 26 April is the International Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Accident. The past 35 years, and the pain does not subside, anxiety does not leave people. A tribute to everyone, who, risking their own lives and health, saved us from further spread of radiation, became book exhibitions, organized in the service departments of the Scientific Library, on which publications are presented, describing the events at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, feat of Chernobyl liquidators, consequences of the catastrophe for Ukraine, and video "Chernobyl - the black pain of Ukraine". A low bow to all, who struggled with a terrible calamity! Thank you very much for your courage, courageous deed! It was you who saved humanity in April 1986 year!

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