Announcement of exhibitions for February

Dear users! We offer to get acquainted with the announcement of book-illustrative exhibitions, exhibited in the customer service departments of the Scientific Library in February. Thematic and informational exhibitions are waiting for you to help the educational process, to significant and memorable dates, on topical issues of today. Come, use new and useful information for you!

We read with the Scientific Library of NUS: how writers "predict" world epidemics?

Epidemics, Unfortunately, is an integral part of human history. Mankind has not experienced any epidemics : plague, Hispanic, smallpox, all sorts of unknown viruses … The spread of coronavirus in many countries has caused a surge of interest in works of art about epidemics. How did writers see global epidemics and what poses a greater threat to humanity: deadly virus or […]

New webinars from Clarivate Analytics

Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! We invite you to join the free webinars from Clarivate Analytics in February 2021 p. The webinar lecturer is Iryna Tikhonkova, an expert of the company on information-analytical resources and training. Webinars will be held in Ukrainian on the online platform Webex. During the webinars we will talk about the features of the updated interface of the platform […]