Dear scientists of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! We remind, what with 1 January to 31 December 2021 p. Ukrainian researchers gained access to e-books and all Open Access journals on the #ScienceDirect platform on a national subscription. Elsevier Company 17 February about 11.00 invites to the webinar "Welcome to ScienceDirect!», during which you: […]
Virtual exhibition "Love Stories of Famous People"
14 February the most wonderful holiday of love came to our hearts, romance and tenderness - Valentine's Day. So happy holidays to all!!! And what is love?! Apparently, there are many answers to this question. The virtual exhibition "Love Stories of Famous People" opens the world of volcanic feelings and makes it clear, that every love story is unique.
Virtual exhibition "Scientific Library from…”
Dear friends! On the occasion of the International Book Donation Day, the staff of the Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarov prepared a virtual exhibition, which will acquaint you with the publications, which are a real highlight of the fund, because their pages are adorned with good wishes to the library and its readers, memories of graduates or […]
14 February - International Book Donation Day!
International Book Donation Day (International Book Giving Day) Is a voluntary initiative, started in 2012 American Emmy Broadmoor. The initiative aims to increase interest and access to books and libraries. The purpose of International Book Donation Day is to inspire people around the world to donate 14 February book - to the library, friend, family members. […]
Basic research from China
On the eve of Chinese New Year (or the Feast of Spring), which is celebrated 12 February 2021 p., Springer Nature publishes a collection of the latest influential publications by Chinese researchers from BMC, Nature Portfolio, Palgrave Macmillan і Springer, including more 300 articles in journals and the most popular chapters and sections of books. We suggest you read this information: […]