Happy holiday 8 March!

Charming women are readers, colleagues! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the holiday of spring and female beauty, inspiration and bright joy - 8 March! We sincerely wish you the warmth of the first rays of the sun, joyful surprises and unique compliments from the stronger sex, which will paint your life with bright colors. Let from this day in […]

Test access to the EBSCO database – CEEAS (Central & Eastern European Academic Source)

WITH 3 March to 5 May 2021 p. NUS them. adm. Makarov gained test access to the full-text database EBSCO Central thanks to his participation in the Information Consortium Association & Eastern European Academic Source EBSCO Central Database & Eastern European Academic Source recently updated, includes about 2000 magazines, most of which are […]

Virtual exhibition "Electrical measurements"

Dear users! Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering of NUS. adm. Makarova presents a virtual exhibition "Electrical Measurements". The presented editions contain up-to-date information on measuring transducers and sensors of different types, as well as data on microsensors, unified converters and actuators, which are used to build measuring information systems […]

Webinar “Online learning and communication services for science and education”

To the attention of teachers and scientists of NUS. adm. Makarova! The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine informs, what 11 March 2021 p. about 11:00 a webinar will take place “Online learning and communication services for science and education”. You will learn about two online communication services, offered by NREN of Ukraine URAN Association, eduMEET та WebClass (BigBlueButton); […]

Announcement of exhibitions for March

Dear users! We offer to get acquainted with the announcement of book-illustrative exhibitions, exhibited in the customer service departments of the Scientific Library in March. Thematic and informational exhibitions are waiting for you to help the educational process, to significant and memorable dates, on topical issues of today. Come, use new and useful information for you!