26 November in many countries around the world, including in Ukraine, World Information Day is celebrated (World Information Day), which is held annually with 1994 year at the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization (MAI), to point out the importance of information transfer in modern society. On this day, in 1992 The first International Forum of Informatization took place in. Information has always played a very important role in human life. The world is driven by information. Today, this process has significantly accelerated, because 20 century has brought man many new technologies, with which information can be broadcast online in very large volumes and literally anywhere on the planet and even beyond. Libraries have been and remain the main centers of information, which are designed to collect and store all possible media and provide access to this information to users, especially scientists, students, specialists. On the occasion of World Information Day, we suggest you look at the interesting links: • World Information Day. Interesting facts about the InternetThe phenomenon of information: interesting facts about the data (infographics)Electronic or paper: scientists have finally identified …

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