Today, 23 April, the world celebrates World Book and Copyright Day - the holiday of authors, publishers, critics, librarians, readers and all-all, who sometimes stays "behind the scenes" of book publishing. This holiday is celebrated annually, starting with 1996 year. It was started as a way to honor authors and books. Today, the priority is to increase interest in reading and the availability of digital technologies. This holiday aims to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Every year 23 April celebrations are held all over the world, whose purpose is to recognize the magical power of books, що є зв’язком між минулим і майбутнім, мостом між поколіннями та культурами. З цієї нагоди ЮНЕСКО та міжнародні організації, які представляють три основні галузі книжкової індустрії — видавців, книгорозповсюджувачів та бібліотеки, вибирають місто яке стає Світовою книжковою столицею, щоб упродовж наступного року підтримувати своїми власними ініціативами імпульс святкування Дня книги аж до 23 квітня наступного року. Головне святкування відбувається щорічно в штаб-квартирі ЮНЕСКО. Туди запрошують продавців книг, publishing companies and artists, to share their passion for books and reading, conducting practical seminars for young people on printing, illustration, bookbinding, book printing. UNESCO sincerely invites you to nurture books as a valuable tool for knowledge sharing, mutual understanding and openness in a world of diversity. WITH 2001 Alexandria has already visited the world book capitals, New Delhi, Antwerp, Montreal, Bogota, Beirut, Ljubljana, Buenos Aires, Yerevan, Bangkok, Wroclaw and others. This year it was the city of Conakry (Guinea). The peculiarity of the introduction of such a day at the world level is the awareness of the book as a powerful weapon in establishing peace and leveling social problems.: book, embodying the creative impulses of man and his desire to share their own ideas and achievements with the world, should promote dialogue, mutual understanding and tolerance. in addition, UNESCO advocates for equal access to knowledge and literacy within the framework of World Book and Copyright Day. Another important aspect is the awareness of the value of the book and its indispensability in the dissemination of knowledge and the formation of culture, regardless of the form of presentation of information. The Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding sincerely greets everyone, who loves books, loves to read, loves to write and publish books with the holiday! Let's celebrate this day together!

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