To the attention of users of the NB NUK named after. adm. Makarova!

24-31 Global Media and Information Literacy Week is celebrated around the world on October. So this week and next, Filter will be publishing a lot of useful materials and initiatives, which will help prepare for it. Scroll through the posts below and look for updates. Follow our pages in social networks, so as not to miss the most interesting and useful.

To the attention of users of the NB NUK named after. adm. Makarova!

Today, media literacy is the superpower of every Ukrainian man and woman. Interesting to know, how well you know how to distinguish fakes from facts and detect manipulations? Take the test and win valuable prizes! When you can take the test? 27 October (Thursday). The platform for taking the test will be open three times a day during the period 30 minutes. Test start — […]