Specialist Day Online Event, dedicated to World Science Day and International Open Access Week

Dear colleagues, scientists of NUS named after. adm. Макарова Державна науково-технічна бібліотека України запрошує долучитися до «Дня фахівця», dedicated to World Science Day and International Open Access Week. Target audience: library and information workers, scientists. Date and time: 03 December 2021 p z 10:00 am to 12:30. Format: online on the Zoom platform. Програма семінару-практикуму […]

30 November - All-Ukrainian action of donating books #GenerousTuesday.

Dear friends! 30 November in Ukraine will be #GenerousTuesday (original title #GivingTuesday) - a day of good deeds, which is celebrated annually in over 150 countries of the world. It is this day that inspires millions of people to do good deeds and promotes a culture of charity. At the initiative of the Ukrainian Library Association, 30 листопада оголошено Всеукраїнську акцію дарування книг для бібліотек […]