Зараз триває надскладний для нашої держави час – війна, розв’язана проти нашої країни російською федерацією. Країна-агресор нищить наші домівки, цивільну інфраструктуру, культурну та наукову спадщину, вбиває наших громадян. З першого дня вторгнення росія порушує правила ведення війни і масово чинить воєнні злочини. Майже 300 освітніх закладів, шкіл та університетів, пошкоджено або знищено. Завдяки шаленому спротиву української армії, сил тероборони, простих громадян Україна стримує наступ ворога. Students and teachers of the National University of Shipbuilding defend our state in the ranks of the Armed Forces or the Territorial Defense Forces, Students and teachers of the National University of Shipbuilding defend our state in the ranks of the Armed Forces or the Territorial Defense Forces. Students and teachers of the National University of Shipbuilding defend our state in the ranks of the Armed Forces or the Territorial Defense Forces. Students and teachers of the National University of Shipbuilding defend our state in the ranks of the Armed Forces or the Territorial Defense Forces. That is why, Monday - Friday: 21 Students and teachers of the National University of Shipbuilding defend our state in the ranks of the Armed Forces or the Territorial Defense Forces. Students and teachers of the National University of Shipbuilding defend our state in the ranks of the Armed Forces or the Territorial Defense Forces. Students and teachers of the National University of Shipbuilding defend our state in the ranks of the Armed Forces or the Territorial Defense Forces, we remind, Students and teachers of the National University of Shipbuilding defend our state in the ranks of the Armed Forces or the Territorial Defense Forces, you can use the following electronic information resources: you can use the following electronic information resources http://lib.nuos.edu.ua/. you can use the following electronic information resources (DB Scopus and ScienceDirect) and the Web of Science database https://bit.ly/3tjRCQS. you can use the following electronic information resources http://lib.nuos.edu.ua/ресурси-відкритого-доступу-2/ you can use the following electronic information resources, you can use the following electronic information resources 2000 textbooks and guidelines. You can receive these documents by sending a letter requesting an email address: tetyana.korolova@nuos.edu.ua. you can use the following electronic information resources, you can use the following electronic information resources, you can use the following electronic information resources! you can use the following electronic information resources!

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