Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova systematically organizes events to popularize the principles of academic integrity among students of various levels of education. So, recently by Kateryna Bilonozhko, librarian 1 categories, coordinator of the academic integrity promotion group at the NUK named after. adm. Makarov, an online lecture was held for higher education holders of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the 1st year of training on the topics: "Basics of information culture. Library and bibliographic knowledge" and "Academic integrity: course for students ".

During the online lecture, the listeners' attention was focused on the common access to scientific information for various educational programs, provided by the Scientific Library, in particular:

– additional search capabilities of the electronic catalog;

– using the most current publications for searching (in particular, articles) in scientometric databases - Web of Science and Scopus (usage details on the website of the Scientific Library in the section "Prepaid databases");

– search of full texts of publications in specialized databases (example, electronic resources on the Research4Life platform; BD ScienceDirect, Springer Nature, JSTOR Archive Journals).

At the meeting, graduate students were provided with detailed and structured information on creating a researcher profile (ResearsherID; Orcid; Google Academy).

Various important aspects were also discussed, related to the concept of "Academic integrity" and that, how the library contributes to its support. The lecture included the issue of spreading the principles of integrity in academic communities; when and how communities conform to fundamental values ​​and adhere to institutional practices. After all, if educational institutions in society adhere to moral and social standards, they contribute to the formation of a strong civic culture in society as a whole.

The scientific library is always ready to provide assistance in finding sources, consultations on the correct formatting of citations and references, as well as in compliance with standards of academic integrity when writing scientific papers.

It is important to note, that every graduate student(-ka) can take advantage of the opportunity to continue cooperation through individual counseling, which reflects the openness and readiness of library specialists. This provides future scientists with the opportunity to receive the necessary support in their scientific development.

The scientific library is your reliable partner in scientific research and education.

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