Specialists of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarova, within the framework of the continuous library education system, constantly pay attention to increasing the level of their professional competence, participating in online conferences, webinars and online courses. That's it 24 In March, the library employees participated in the educational and methodical seminar: "Updating and preservation of library funds: today's challenges", organized by the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine on the ZOOM platform with live broadcast on the library's YouTube channel.
The participants of the online event were keenly interested in the following topical issues, as: preservation of book funds, digital and analog assets under martial law; the use of information technologies to ensure the preservation of library funds; experience of libraries in research and preservation of book monuments and retrospective conversion of card catalogs and digitization of the library fund, etc..
We thank the speakers for their thorough reports and interesting professional discussion!

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