11 червня святкує свій ювілей ректор Національного університету кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова, Doctor of Engineering, Professor Yevhen Ivanovych Trushlyakov.
All labor and scientific and pedagogical activities of E.I. Trushlyakova is associated with the Admiral Makarov National University of Technology. A student, teacher, associate professor of the department, deputy dean, pro-rector, rector, always with an active civic stance, he was never indifferent to the fate of his Alma Mater. Undeniably, on this festive day Yevhen Ivanovych will hear many warm words and wishes addressed to him.
An exhibition is a unique gift for a glorious anniversary, which was prepared by the staff of the Scientific Library. The book and illustration exhibition "From a student to the rector" introduces the university staff and the student community to the achievements and achievements of the esteemed jubilee. Printed materials reflect the scientist's scientific and educational-methodical achievements, сторінки біографії дають уявлення про кроки професійного зростання, and the photo materials illustrate Yevhen Ivanovich's character traits, who feels confident in the presidium of the scientific conference, and on the platform for liquidation of the consequences of a missile strike.
A talented organizer, head, who, along with teachers and students, carries stones from the destroyed building, unloads humanitarian aid... Smiling, sensitive, cheerful, tireless - all this difficult time he is close to the university team, inspires by his example and gives hope for revival.
The staff of the Scientific Library wishes you from the bottom of our hearts, Dear Yevgeny Ivanovych, good health, inspiration and inspiration, peaceful happy fate, always stay focused, a creative leader and sensitive person in free and independent Ukraine!
We are proud of that, that we work with you in the same team. Let's persevere and rebuild everything!

the staff of the Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences

Ознайомитися з виставкою можна у приміщенні Наукової бібліотеки в Новому корпусі НУК за адресою пр.. Central, 3, aud. 109.

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