Студентство – це не просто вік. Це стан душі.

Котляревський – великий митець українського слова

The art of reflection

24 May - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

Наукова бібліотека – до Міжнародного дня театру

Star, що зійшла на Поділлі

Граматика повеліває навіть королями

Історичний калейдоскоп Миколаївщини

“Дзвін пам’яті” – знайомство з похмурими сторінками минулого України

160 years since the birthday of Volodymyr Ivanovich Vernadskyi (1863–1945)

День Святителя Миколая Чудотворця

Міжнародний день захисту прав людини

Ядерна енергетика

Ядерна фізика

Соціальні комунікації в бібліотеці

Організація виробництва в економіці

Нобелівська премія: history and modernity

Машинобудівна гідравліка

Engineering materials science

Конструкційні матеріали

Інтернет-ресурси і технології в бібліотеках

Water resources of Ukraine

The Holodomor is the genocide of the Ukrainian people

The state flag of Ukraine

For World Radio Day


We are human as long as there is nature

Native beauty language

To the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Internet security

Personal protective equipment

Academic integrity

Foreign economic activity



Institutional repository

AIDS – the most serious challenge to humanity (To the World AIDS Day)

Pain and tragedy of the Ukrainian people (To the Holodomor Remembrance Day)

UNR. Revived state

Innovations in the library business

On the scales of Themis (Until the day of the lawyer)

Every war ends in peace (To the World Day of Peace)

City of shipbuilders and brides: popular about history of Nikolaev

Lyrics by Dmitry Kremen – it's forever.(To the 65th anniversary of his birth)

NUS on the pages of the press

The tragedy of mankind – Chernobyl (to the Day of the Chernobyl tragedy)

The Internet is our friend and helper (To the International Internet Day)

To exist means to think (To the 155th anniversary of the birth of VI. Vernadsky)

Embrace the whole world with your love (To the International Day of Hugs)

Reserved places of Ukraine "International Day of Reserves and National Parks"

Dimo Boris Vasilyevich (to the 70th anniversary of his birth)

Timoshevsky Boris Georgievich

National unity – guarantee of statehood of Ukraine

Ecology of the city – alarm zone

“Kaleidoscope of unforgettable impressions” (tourist paths of Nikolaevshchina)

“We travel to European capitals” (for Europe Day)

“All life is measured by love” (for Valentine's Day)

“Documentation. Archival science. Bibliography”

“Occupational Health”

“Man. Freedom. Democracy”

“Intellectual Property”

“The bells of Chernobyl ring in our hearts”

“Finance and banking”

“State regulation of investment activity in Ukraine”

“Modern information technologies”


“Our most precious treasure is our native language”

“Health and life are in your hands, so save it for the future”

“Independent Ukraine - glory now and forever”

“Sailor of Ukraine”

“Law and law are the same for everyone”

“Let the light of science not go out”

“The Constitution is the main amulet of statehood and democracy”

“We have no right to forget”

“Chernobyl – tragedy, feat, memory”

“A living planet”

“Intellectual property in Ukraine”

“Science in Ukraine”

“Corporate social responsibility”

“Economics of maritime transport”

“Husband, our beautiful language, live the prophetic word to the people”

“Higher education in the areas of training and technology of teaching relevant disciplines”

“We bend our knees in prayer”

“Interior design: style and elegance”

“The Constitution is a state of protection”

“From energy saving projects to their implementation”

“Nature requires protection”

“Shana for the feat, gratitude for peace”

“Problems and prospects of nuclear energy development”

“Chernobyl has no past”

“Optical phenomena in nature. Light sources”

tax management

Conciliarity: consent builds (to the Day of Reunification)

Colors of Shevchenko's destiny

Pave the way for the soldiers with flowers, that peace was brought to our land

Statements about language

Gender problem in the modern world

Engineering materials science

History of foreign literature. Foreign literature

Water resources of Ukraine

Composite materials

The holiday unites hearts

Soloviev Stanislav Nikolaevich

Kryuchkov Yuri Semenovich

List of works by Alexei Pavlov Popov

Steels and their properties

Problems of air pollution

Gankevich Anatoly Borisovich

Water supply and water quality


References on occupational safety, fire safety

Shadow economy

Globalization challenges of the era: the need for tolerance