Presentation of the free Amazon Web Services training program (AWS)
Dear scientists of NUS named after. adm. Makarova!
29 October with 15.00 am to 16.30 There will be a unique event - the presentation of the free training program Amazon Web Services (AWS), which is organized especially for teachers of higher education institutions of Ukraine.
This program, designed for educators, introduces innovations in the cloud solutions industry, prepares for industry certification, helps teachers update their knowledge base and bring fresh information to students, preparing them for development in an extremely promising cloud computing industry.
15.00-15.15. Introductory speech. Maxim Pochebut, ERAM Head of Education in Central and Eastern Europe and Varun Takur, Program Management Lead EMEA, AWS Academy.
15.15-15.45. Presentation of the AWS Academy program, Varun Thakur, Program Management Lead EMEA, AWS Academy.
15.45-15.55. The most current industry trends and the demand for cloud technology professionals. DevOps expert, EPAM.
15.55-16.05. How KNURE integrated the teaching resources of AWS Academy into the university curriculum? Andriy Kostromytsky, Head of DevOps Lab, ЕРАМ University.
16.05-16.30. Question and answer session.
Date of the event: 29 October.
Duration: 15.00-16.30.
Format: online.
Participation is free.
The official language of the event is English.
ERAM experience, a leading world leader in the development of digital platforms and software, confirms the popularity of cloud technologies and indicates the active use of cloud solutions and the high demand for specialists with relevant expertise in the modern IT industry. ERAM University has long actively embraced this trend and organizes special events for future IT professionals and teachers of higher education institutions with the involvement of the best experts in the field.
AWS Academy offers a ready-to-use program for teachers, which helps to develop students' skills required by employers. Students will receive a theoretical and practical basis, required for professional certification and work in the industry, rapidly evolving. You can learn more about AWS Academy on the website