Scientific Library (NB) NUK, given the realities of today, seeks to become a recognized center of the university community, information center, a place for leisure. Trying to create a truly public center of communication, librarians are thinking about making it more comfortable for visitors, the most comfortable conditions. To do this, relaxation areas are organized. Саме таку зону створили співробітники відділу обслуговування Наукової бібліотеки НУК в Навчально-науковому гуманітарному інституті для своїх користувачів. Here you can relax in comfortable armchairs-bags, use WiFi access, enjoy reading interesting books on bookcrossing, flip through magazines, entertain your friends with your favorite tunes. Changing the interior for a relaxation area, we sought, to make our department even more comfortable, cozy and attractive environment, which will help users relieve emotional stress, fatigue and promote intellectual, emotional communication. If you want to be positive - visit us and you will feel the atmosphere of a warm home!

AND. IN. Kuznetsova, zav. відділом обслуговування НБ НУК в ННГІ

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