For 230-year history Nikolaev passed a glorious way from shipyard to powerful industrial, business, cultural center of the South of Ukraine. Mykolayiv is the cradle of shipbuilding and the Ukrainian Navy. City, which captures the rich history, wonderful hard-working people and magnificent landscapes. So let our favorite city flourish with economic power, becomes attractive, cozy, comfortable for every resident and guest of the city. Good, peace and harmony reign in each Nikolaev family, in every house.
On the occasion of the holiday Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova invites you to view expositions of book-illustrative editions and photo materials, reflecting the history and modernity of our city, its cultural life and great role in the history of shipbuilding. Also to your attention the novelties of local lore editions are presented, dedicated to the history of the city and prominent people, who connected their life and activity with Mykolayiv:
"How can I not love you, My Nikolaev!»
(aud.645)"There will be a city…"
(aud.650)I will lean to my native land with my heart
(Відділ обслуговування користувачів Навчально-наукового гуманітарного інституту та Факультету морського права, etc. Heroes of Ukraine, 9)Monuments of history and culture of Mykolayiv region
(Відділ обслуговування користувачів у Навчально-науковому інституті автоматики та електротехніки, etc. Central, 3)Миколаєву – 230!
(Відділ обслуговування у Машинобудівному навчально-науковому інституті, street. Kuznetsk, 5)
We celebrate the City Day together with the library!