Literature exhibition "The uniqueness of the scientific, technical and innovative activity of Professor Viktor Mykhailovych Gorbov"
The exhibition reveals all aspects of the literary heritage of the scientist and publicist: from scientific, A wide range of scientific papers was offered to the attention of users in the reading room, reference literature for studies on the history of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, autobiographical essays, even culinary recipes… Exhibition, dedicated to the memory of the candidate of technical sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, the head of the department of operation of ship power plants and thermal power engineering of the National Technical University named after. adm. Макарова Віктора Михайловича Горбова, підготовлена співробітниками Наукової бібліотеки, демонструється в аудиторії Машинобудівного навчально-наукового інституту. У перші роковини Віктора Михайловича виставка дозволить ще раз пригадати талановиту, щиру, небайдужу Людину.