Dear scientists of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! WITH 15 April to 20 May 2021 year, the Ministry of Education and Science announces a series of webinars in Ukrainian and English for scientists and editors of scientific journals Webinars will focus on interaction with ScienceDirect and Scopus databases, will cover selection procedures and criteria, for which the selection of publications for indexing, work with profiles of scientists and institutions in Scopus, the possibility of using the SciVal analytical tool to search for grants and evaluate the activities of scientists and institutions. The lecturers will be Elsevier experts Katarzyna Gatza-Zajonz, Bartholomew Wenzkowski, Kate Patirak and Elsevier coach Marina Nazarovets. Information, which will be discussed during webinars, will be useful for heads of higher education and research institutions, editors and members of editorial boards of scientific publications, researchers, graduate students and undergraduates. Participants will also be able to receive electronic certificates of participation, which can be downloaded after the relevant webinar on the BrightTALK platform. Webinar program Subject 1. Criteria and process for selecting journals in Scopus: seminars for editors and publishers of scientific publications (in English) Scopus is the largest abstract database, containing information about peer-reviewed literature above 5 thousands of publishers. The purpose of the seminar, to participate in which are invited, first of all, publishers and editors of scientific publications, there is a comprehensive coverage of the criteria and the process of selecting logs for indexing in the Scopus database, carried out by an independent Content Selection Advisory Board. Editors of scientific publications will be able to find out, what shortcomings are most often found during the selection of journals and how they can be corrected, to increase the chances of a journal being indexed in Scopus. 16 April 2021 year about 11.00 (Kyiv time) - registration for link. 22 April 2021 year Fr. 14.00 (Kyiv time) - registration for link. Subject 2. 10 ways to save time and effort with Scopus (in English) How to increase search efficiency in Scopus? There are more than one in the Scopus database 70 millions of records. Effective search is the key to creating comprehensive literature reviews. During the webinar we will present the functions, that facilitate the use of Scopus for scientists. 15 April 2021 year Fr. 12.00 (Kyiv time) - registration for link. Subject 3. Make new discoveries, combining the capabilities of Scopus and ScienceDirect (In ukrainian) Join the webinar, to find out, how using Scopus and ScienceDirect databases can help you succeed in your research. During this webinar, you will learn about the capabilities and coverage of each tool. We will also explain, how these two platforms complement each other, and show you, how to most effectively use them together. 22 April 2021 year Fr. 10.00 (Kyiv time) - registration for link. Subject 4. SciVal for researchers - grants. How to use bibliometric data to find grants. (in English) You ask yourself, are you ready to apply for a grant? During the webinar you will learn, how to compare your achievements with the achievements of people, who have already won a grant; how to find research centers for cooperation to obtain a grant in your country and abroad; on what topics you can describe your scientific achievements. 22 April 2021 year Fr. 12.00 (Kyiv time) - registration for link. Subject 5. Author and institution profiles in Scopus (In ukrainian) The webinar will focus on finding profiles of authors and institutions in the Scopus database: how to properly search for profiles of the author or institution; what information they contain; how they can be adjusted; why and how scientists should take care of their profiles and update them. 6 May 2021 year Fr. 10.00 (Kyiv time) - registration for link. Subject 6. Search for information in Scopus (In ukrainian) How to get relevant information in the Scopus database? Simple and advanced document search. Work with the obtained results, their analysis, export, save and create messages. How to search for magazines, which are indexed in Scopus, to read and publish your own articles, evaluate and compare them by bibliometric parameters? 20 May 2021 year Fr. 10.00 (Kyiv time) - registration for link. Subject 7. SciVal for researchers - the direction of evaluation, how to search for information (in English) Evaluation is a real challenge for universities and researchers. In this process, you should use all available options. We would like to tell, what information the Scopus database can provide us with and what data we can find in the SciVal tool. You will learn more during this webinar, what data is available in Scopus and how you can get it; how to use SciVal in various evaluation and data processing processes; on consolidated data and periodic reports; about working with classifications and ratings. 20 May 2021 year Fr. 12.00 (Kyiv time) - registration for link.

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