Відділ обслуговування Наукової бібліотеки у Машинобудівному навчально-науковому інституті після періоду дистанційного навчання відновив свої традиційні «Вересневі зустрічі зі студентами-старшокурсниками». The purpose of such events is information about library services, as traditional, and remote, familiarization with novelties of literature and simple live communication, which is also very important in our difficult times. 8 In September, the department was visited by master's students of group 5221M and students of the group 4211. This year, the employees of the department prepared information about a unique collection of modern English-language professional periodicals and novelties of literature in foreign languages.
The Bula students were presented with the book “Gas Turbines Structural Properties, Operation Principles and Design Features" authored by S.I. Serbian, IN. M. Patlaychuk together with Chinese colleagues, which was published by Springer and was donated to the library by the esteemed authors. Visitors were very interested in the only professional publication in the department in Chinese – training manual "Theoretical basics of designing ship gas turbine units" (authors G.F. Romanovsky, M.V. Vashtilenko, SI. Serb).
Dear students of education, teachers, employees, during September, the department will continue to provide group services to students of the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the Ukrainian National University at the address of st. Kuznetsk, 5 (The old building of NUS), aud 17, 56. Are waiting for you!