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We are pleased to inform you about new book arrivals to our book collection in July 2021 year. An annotation will help you to orient yourself better in choosing the book you need, which reveals the content of each edition. A new book is new knowledge! Come! Read! Enjoy the novelty!

New webinar in Ukrainian from Clarivate

Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova! 12 August 2021 p. The Directorate of Science and Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science invites you to join the free webinar from Clarivate. Webinar topic "Criteria and procedure for selection of publications for the Web of Science Core Collection". Traditionally, the webinar will be held free of charge in two repetitions by Fr. 10:15 and 16:15. These: […]

28 June - Day of the Constitution of Ukraine

This year our country celebrates the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Basic Law of the state - the Constitution of Ukraine. Constitution Day is a day, when the rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine were approved. The adoption of the Constitution consolidated the legal basis of independent Ukraine, contributed to the formation of Ukraine as an independent and sovereign state. To get acquainted with the history of the Constitution of Ukraine and the main ones […]