“Olympic corner” in the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova

24 representatives of the regional branch of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region visited the Scientific Library: Andriy Krotov, deputy head of the NOC branch, Vitaly Sinyavskyi, pressed, Department employees Olga Blau and Oleksandr Lopatin. They gave it as a gift from the National Olympic Committee to the largest university library in. Миколаєва енциклопедії з історії українського та […]

And again 24 February

Early in the morning a year ago, Russia launched missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine and launched a full-scale invasion. And it's been a year already, how our country chooses victory. The war touched each of us. Pain, tears, losses, forced relocations, broken destinies, sleepless nights under shelling... But we did not break down. Ми щодня і щохвилини продовжуємо вірити в […]

RESEARCH4LIFE: Electronic resources for librarians and researchers!

Interesting and useful news is brought to the attention of the scientific community!   The Research4Life partnership has reached an important milestone, offering its users over 200 000 resources, including peer-reviewed journals, databases and books. Research4Life achieves 200 000 resources! https://www.research4life.org/news/research4life-reaches-200000-resources/ To mark this milestone, команда Comms запустила рекламну кампанію з історіями та інтерв’ю з нашими […]

21 You can find more detailed information in the electronic catalog of the library at

International Mother Language Day was introduced with the aim of preserving the languages ​​of all the peoples of the planet and treating them with respect. It was first noted in 2000 year, and has been celebrated annually since then 21 February. Український народ має давню історію, він створив оригінальну й неповторну культуру. А найголовнішою його ознакою, що дає йому право називатися […]