6 December - Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Congratulations to all, who is involved in the high and honorable rank of military serviceman, who chose a difficult one for himself, but a worthy profession is to defend Ukraine, its sovereignty and independence. We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts, unbreakable faith, bold ideas, expected expectations, confident plans and a mandatory VICTORY. We bow our heads to the memory of heroes, who gave […]

The scientific library congratulates on the holiday!

Dear users, dear friends and colleagues! This year, Saint Nicholas Day is officially celebrated in Ukraine for the first time 6 December. We sincerely congratulate you on one of the brightest Christian holidays - Saint Nicholas Day. We wish for peace, good, health, welfare, family comfort. May Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker always protect you from all troubles, giving happiness, […]

To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested!

Державна науково-технічна бібліотека України запрошує на безкоштовний курс тренінгів для науковців “Сучасні підходи для ефективної підготовки наукових публікацій”. Курс складається з 5 занять, під час яких слухачі зможуть отримати практичний досвід роботи з хмарними середовищами створення документів, бібліографічним менеджером Mendeley тощо. Розклад: 6 грудня – Основи використання бібліографічних менеджерів. Основні […]

25 November - Holodomor Memorial Day

Every year on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the Holodomor. The scientific library presents the virtual gallery "And a candle cried in sorrow..." Remember on this day about millions of human lives, which Ukraine lost as a result of the Holodomor, get involved 25 November Fr. 16.00 to the National minute of silence. You can learn more about the tragic events from the links: […]