To the attention of education seekers, teachers, employees of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarova!

Through Elsevier's eResource Center, you can request remote individual access to the company's important research tools:• abstract, bibliographic database "Scopus",• full-text database "ScienceDirect",• researcher search module for establishing contacts and cooperation "Researcher Discovery",• educational platform «Researcher Academy»;• "Mendeley" bibliographic information management software. For this, you need to fill out a registration form […]

The scientific library informs

To help Ukrainian scientists, Elsevier provides teachers and students with free access to its tools, upcoming and recorded webinars, and datasets and studies. More details at http link:// A fall/winter webinar schedule is also provided 2022 p. More details at http link://

To the attention of the scientific community: Web of Science webinars in September

In September 2022 of the year, the Clarivate organization will 2 SMM and targeting, devoted to various aspects of working with the Web of Science scientific literature platform: 8 September - "Web of Science Core Collection: new and old opportunities for the scientist and administrator" 27 September - "Research Smarter: Profiles of researchers in the Web of Science" More details at the link: […]

RESEARCH4LIFE: Electronic resources for librarians and researchers

Within the framework of the Research4Life project, Ukrainian researchers and librarians received additional free access to 19 electronic resources. These are sites, tools and learning resources from Elsevier publishers, Springer Nature, Taylor & The Research4Life platform provides access for specialists of higher education and research institutions of Ukraine to more than, The Research4Life platform provides access for specialists of higher education and research institutions of Ukraine to more than, The Research4Life platform provides access for specialists of higher education and research institutions of Ukraine to more than, IOP Publishing, Emerald Publishing, International Center of Agriculture and Biological Sciences (Centre for Agriculture […]