Illustrated exhibition “... Because who for what, and we are for independence!” prepared for the Independence Day of Ukraine and the National Flag Day by the staff of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the National Academy of Sciences. Since February 2022 these holidays have acquired a special significance for Ukrainians. Enemy weapons destroyed the peaceful life of Ukrainian citizens. Our […]
23 August - Day of the State Flag of Ukraine - the yellow-blue symbol of indomitability and victory
The national flag is the official symbol of each country, that will please the originality and continuity of its state-building traditions. 28 January 1992 The Verkhovna Rada officially approved the blue-yellow flag as the State Flag of Ukraine. During the full-scale war against the Russian invaders, the Ukrainian flag has become a real symbol of the struggle for the indomitability of our country, national unity, honor […]
To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarova!
We offer to join the free webinars from the company Clarivate in Ukrainian, which will take place 24, 31 August and 28 September of this year. Webinars are organized on the Zoom platform. The participant's certificate is issued by, who listened more 90% main time of the webinar. Registration is already open. 24 August Topic: Science of Ukraine through the prism of Web of Science Theses: On the Independence Day of Ukraine, let's look at Ukrainian achievements […]
We honor and remember
21 August would be fulfilled 70 years to Dmytro Dmytrovych Kremen - Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine, laureate of the National Prize of Ukraine named after T. D. Shevchenko, the poet, publicist, the teacher, translator, essayist. On this day, we pay tribute to the honor and memory of a person, whose work has long become a well for the thirsty souls of contemporaries. This is cultural property […]
25 August 2023 the first series of trainings "Soft skills for the career of a scientist" will take place in an online format. The event is designed to form the competences of individual, personal and professional self-improvement of a scientist on the way to effective research and career growth. It is planned to discuss effective tools for the formation and development of soft skills; methods of formation and improvement of critical and innovative skills […]