We present a virtual exhibition

Virtual exhibition "To the peaks of economic knowledge" https://olgabondar0.wixsite.com/website-3 for you, economists, as well as for everyone, who is interested in the world of finance and economics. We hope so, that its materials, and these are books 2023 year of publication, will become a source of new knowledge and inspiration for improvement, will give an opportunity to expand their understanding of economic and financial activity, to raise the professional level. […]

Free access to electronic databases of scientific information continued

We have great news from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Free access to electronic databases of scientific information has been extended. The companies Clarivate and Elsevier have confirmed their readiness to provide Ukrainian scientists with access to important databases this year., including for evaluating the scientific activity of institutions, Web of Science and Scopus databases, as well as to analytical and full-text resources. Also, important […]

We invite you to register for ORCID info day

To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested! We invite you to register for the ORCID info day, which will pass 27 in March of this year, Fr 12.00 Kyiv time. The purpose of the event is to draw attention to the activities of the ORCID National Consortium in Ukraine, as well as familiarization with the possibilities of using permanent identifiers by scientists. […]

Flash mob “Eight lines of Shevchenko” 📜✨

Dear friends, join the joint celebration of Taras Shevchenko's 210th birthday! Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova invites you 8 March 2024 p. Monday - Friday: 14.00 am to 15.30 take part in the online poetic flash mob "Eight lines of Shevchenko", initiated by the Ukrainian Library Association. Read with us more relevant than ever, rebellious and prophetic […]

Virtual exhibition "Modern Journalism Education"

Журналістика – одна з найцікавіших професій. Журналіст завжди у вирі подій, де б він не працював: на телебаченні, радіо, чи періодичній пресі. Якщо Ви здобуваєте вищу освіту за спеціальністю «Журналістика», бажаєте відшліфувати навички спілкування та стати освіченим учасником будь-якого медійного процесу, пропонуємо переглянути віртуальну виставку «Сучасна журналістська освіта», на якій […]