Clarivate Analytics Webinars for Academics

To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested! 9 February 2023 Clarivate Analytics invites scientists to take part in free webinars in Ukrainian on Webex. Subject: Open access in Ukraine and the world Theses: A traditional webinar in honor of the anniversary of the announcement of the Budapest Open Access Initiative. What is open access?, […]

The Clarivate webinar series for academics continues in the 2023 year

We bring to your attention the schedule of classes for February. 9 February 2023 Clarivate scientists 2023 Subject: Open access in Ukraine and the world Theses: A traditional webinar in honor of the anniversary of the announcement of the Budapest Open Access Initiative. What is open access?, open science. Opportunities, challenges to scientists and institutions, the state. Who and how and how much pays for publication, how to print […]

22 January - Day of Unity of Ukraine

On this day in 1919 In 2008, the Act of the Merger of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the West Ukrainian People's Republic was proclaimed. Reunification Day is a reminder for all Ukrainians, that the strength of our state is in the unity of the Ukrainian lands, and the strength of the people is in the unity of the people. The indomitability and unity of the nation is our guarantee […]

The list of scientific and professional publications of Ukraine has been updated

To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested! The List of specialized scientific publications has been updated on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science, in which the results of dissertations for obtaining scientific degrees of Doctor of Sciences can be published, Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Changes to the List were made based on the decision of the Certification Office […]

MES invites students, graduate students and teachers to visit the "Ukraine Global Faculty" platform

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine invites students, graduate students and teachers to visit the "Ukraine Global Faculty" platform, at which registration is open for a course of online lectures on crisis management from a British professor, executive director of the Institute of Strategic Risk Management (the city of London) David Rubens (David Rubens). The first lecture of the course is "Chaos & Complexity: Modelling Crisis Management […]