To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested! WITH 1 July 2023 by 31 December 2024 року видавництво Cambridge University Press надає можливість безкоштовної публікації у журналах gold та hybrid доступа авторам з низки країн, зокрема і України. Read more: https://www.cambridge.org/core/open-research/open-access/cambridge-open-equity-initiative/faqs?fbclid=IwAR2NvMKOwTtrOZc577KRgt2vuFt97UiWHxrIMlOzJuNXUCG_UvEg_Nu8qHg

14 травня – День матері

День матері – це свято, яке є частиною нашої історії, culture and spirituality. Воно визначає роль матері в нашому житті, вшановуючи її внесок в розвиток сім’ї та суспільства в цілому. Значне місце у житті дітей відіграє перша, найрідніша у світі людина – мати. Саме від неї залежить виховання дитини і […]

Dear friends!

A virtual exhibition of book novelties is offered to your attention “It is interesting to learn, interesting to learn!”, which came to the library fund!  These publications will be useful to scientists, teachers and students. Improve your knowledge with the help of this literature and success awaits you!

Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation

Today, together with the whole world, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation. We pay tribute to those, who fought for our freedom in a fierce battle, defended the Ukrainian land from Nazism and all victims of the Second World War 1939-1945 years. We remember, what a tragedy this war was for our people, after all, more than eight million died […]

“Scientific, technical and innovative activity of Professor Serhiy Ivanovich Serbin”

“Scientific, technical and innovative activity of Professor Serhiy Ivanovich Serbin” - this is the name of the exhibition, prepared by employees of the Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the National Academy of Sciences, to the anniversary of the director of MNNI NUK named after. adm. Makarova,  doctor of technical sciences, Professor Sergei Ivanovich Serbin. Works C. AND. Serbian, a well-known scientist in the field of power engineering, recognized […]