About the project

Now, коли ми навчилися літати у повітрі, like birds, swim under water, як риби, we lack only one: learn to live on earth, as people. Bernard Show
Today it is a rather acute problem ecological state of the planet Land. Серед найбільш актуальних проблем України – неякісна вода, Air Pollution, degradation of land resources, deforestation, dangerous ecological processes, household waste, objects and ecological consequences of military activity, consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.
IN 2020 year charitable foundation “Library country” initiated the All-Ukrainian information campaign on the introduction of the environmental component in the activities of libraries in Ukraine in order to strengthen the potential of environmental efficiency and leadership of libraries as providers of environmental education. As part of this campaign, the Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding is launching 2021 – 2023 рр. eco-project “The green light of our lives”.
Project goals:
- Promotion of caring for the environment.
- Eco-education and eco-education.
- Research on the vision of ways to solve problems of improving the environment.
Components of the project:
- Creating an ecopage on the website of the Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding.
- Conducting research “Life in the ecosystem: attitude of students to environmental issues”.
- Organization of events, promoting eco-friendly living.
- Organization and participation in environmental actions.